I Need to Challenge a Denied Refund/Audit

Need to Challenge a Denied Refund or Audit?

You have just been through a grueling tobacco tax audit. Or maybe you are having trouble getting your tobacco tax refund. If you are reading this, then you are not satisfied with the action or inaction of the state tobacco tax agency. The auditor is probably threatening to assess penalties and interest on top of taxes that you either don't owe or you can't afford to pay. The auditors can come up with extreme numbers that can threaten to put almost any business owner completely out of business.

The good news is that most types of audit results can be challenged. Perhaps you were simply missing certain records. Perhaps the auditor is under orders to "write up" certain issues that the state would be willing to concede if they are challenged up the chain. Regardless of the reasons, talk to our tax consultants first to learn more about challenging an audit.

Discuss your case with us during a FREE evaluation: (888) 628-0334.

What Our Tax Consultants Can Do to Help

Even most good tax professionals do not deal with oddball taxes like tobacco taxes. Tobacco tax law is a complex area of law that requires a unique knowledge of and experience in these matters. But dealing with these unique issues is 100% of what our firm handles. We challenge the state tobacco taxing agency at every level from audit to protest, to controversy. Day in and day out, this is simply what we do.

Here is what we can do to help:

  • We will review your audit results or refund denial and discuss ways to challenge your specific results.
  • In most cases, we can at least get the penalties reduced or eliminated.
  • In many cases, we can reduce the tobacco taxes and related interest.
  • We can also often quickly secure refunds.
  • In all cases, we can provide the taxpayer with a quick, honest evaluation of your situation and how to proceed.

You are already looking at a large liability for taxes, penalties, and interest - why would you not at least have a free consultation with a consultant to challenge the agency's wrongdoing?

Talking to us is FREE, so give us a call today at (888) 628-0334.