
Filing for a Cigarette Tax Refund?

Contact Our Cigarette Tax Consultants at (888) 628-0334

Do you believe you may be due a refund for the cigarette taxes that your business paid? If so, talk to our cigarette refund tax consultants at Tobacco Tax Refund, Inc. for help. Many business owners find it very difficult to obtain their rightful refunds, not only because of the complex process, but also because state agencies tend to make it intentionally difficult. Our team of experienced tax consultants can guide you through the steps, making the refund process easy and simple for you.

What Can Our Cigarette Consultants Do to Help You?

  • We can analyze your company's previous tax returns to see whether you qualify for a refund.
  • We can organize, prepare, and file the necessary paperwork on your behalf.
  • We can follow up with the state agency to make sure your claim is processed and you receive your check.
  • If your refund is denied, we can assist you in challenging the denial.

Our cigarette tax consultants have 50+ years of combined accounting and legal experience, and we have successfully filed millions of dollars for our clients in tax refunds. You can trust that we at Tobacco Tax Refund, Inc. have the knowledge you need to assert your legal rights and put money back into your business.

Schedule a FREE consultation to discuss your refund options.

Understanding Your Rights to a Cigarette Tax Refund

Cigarettes follow cigars in that they are taxed depending on whether they are “small” or “large” cigarettes. Small cigarettes, which are cigarettes that weigh up to 3 pounds per thousand, are taxed at $50.33 per thousand. Large cigarettes on the other hand are those that weigh more than 3 pounds per thousand and are tax taxed at $105.69 per thousand with certain measurement restrictions. Federal law also taxes cigarette papers and cigarette tubes.

Many state laws follow that of the federal statutes for cigarettes. Other states have a different rate of tax for cigarettes than other forms of tobacco. Many states tax tubes and wrapping papers while others do not. It is important to understand that just because federal tax is due, it is not automatically due in your state(s).

For qualifying cases, we can provide our services on a contingency fee basis, which means that you don't pay us anything until you receive your refund. Our fees will come directly out of the refund proceeds after the check is issued. This means that you have nothing to lose with our services. We take care of all the details while you focus on your business - all at no loss to you.

It is important to understand the taxing scheme for your state(s) as each state can be very different. It is advisable to have a tobacco tax professional at your side when working through the different taxing schemes in the various states. Many states often have loopholes for items like cigarettes which can be exploited to obtain large refunds.

Join Our Clients Who Have Received Millions in Refunds

If you are ready to get started, just give our office a call to speak with a cigarette tax consultant. We can take you through the entire process and make sure that your claim is diligently prepared, thorough, and effective. Our cigarette consultants have successfully filed millions of dollars in refunds for our clients. You can be confident that we know exactly what it takes to get you your money back.

Contact us today at (888) 628-0334 for experienced guidance.