
E-Cigarettes Tax Consultants

Your Trusted Tax Consultants for E-Cigarettes - Call (888) 628-0334

E-Cigarettes are a new and growing industry across the country and the globe. States view these as low hanging fruit to tax. While many states have regulated e-cigarettes or vapor, only two states have taxed it so far. Louisiana and North Carolina have begun taxing vapor products. Both states have imposed a 5 cents per milliliter tax on vapor products. But unlike most cigars, cigarettes, and other tobacco products, vapor and e-cigarettes have a very different supply chain. States are struggling to regulate and tax these trendy products. While most tobacco products are taxed at the wholesale level, both North Carolina and Louisiana have structured their taxing schemes to impose the tax on the wholesaler OR THE RETAILER.

Why Call Our E-Cig Tax Consultants?

  • We bring 50+ years’ combined legal and accounting experience
  • We have successfully filed millions of dollars in refunds
  • Contingency fees offered in some cases
  • Free consultation for every potential client to evaluate options

For the first time, certain retailers will be forced to file and pay tax on vapor products. Keep an eye on your state as it could be next. Whether you are a small business or a global corporation, we are equipped to handle your refund claims.

Get a FREE E-cig tax refund consultation: (888) 628-0334.

Personalized Guidance Throughout the Tobacco Tax Refund Process

Some reasons you may be entitled to a refund include: change in laws, destruction of tobacco property by natural disaster, error in calculations, and overpayment of taxes.

We understand that the tax refund process for e-cigarette and vapor taxes is not simple. In fact, they are confusing even for most experienced tax professional. But at Tobacco Tax Refund, Inc., we deal specifically with e-cigarette, vapor, and tobacco tax refunds every single day. We know the administrative procedures inside and out, from the paperwork to how to approach your state's tax authorities. We work hard to make sure you are able to put money back into your business.

We can help you through the refund process by:

  • Reviewing all your pertinent tax returns and information to determine if you are due a refund
  • Gathering and filing all the necessary paperwork
  • Communicating with the respective state agency to finalize your refund claim

We are ready to represent clients all across the U.S. Our team of tax professionals has an in-depth understanding of each state's cigar tax laws and refund procedures. Trust in our over 50 years of collective experience and over millions of dollars in refunds recovered for our clients.

Call us today at (888) 628-0334.