Smokeless Tobacco

Smokeless Tobacco Tax Refund Services - (888) 628-0334

Maximize Your Refunds with Our Tobacco Tax Consultants

Federal law defines smokeless tobacco to mean snuff or chewing tobacco. “Snuff" means any finely cut, ground, or powdered tobacco that is not intended to be smoked. "Chewing Tobacco" means any leaf tobacco that is not intended to be smoked. If it meets one of those definitions, snuff is taxed at $1.51/lb. and chew at just $.5033 per pound. Many state laws follow that of the federal statutes. Some states, like Alabama and Arizona, tax chew and snuff based on weight. Other states have a different rate of tax for chew or snuff than other forms of tobacco. For example, Oklahoma taxes chewing tobacco (60%) a different rate that it taxes all other tobacco products (80%).

What can you expect in the refund process?

  • Our team can analyze your previous tax returns to see whether you are eligible for a refund
  • We prepare all the relevant documents required for a refund claim
  • We file the claim with your respective state's tax agency
  • We stay in touch with the state agency until your refund is issued

We at Tobacco Tax Refund, Inc. have represented millions of dollars in refund claims for clients. From local convenience stores to global, publicly traded companies, we have handled tax refund claims for businesses of all sizes. With over 50 years of collective experience in accounting and taxation laws, we have developed innovative ways to help our clients get their refunds back efficiently and promptly.

Our solutions are effective because we are not afraid to put in the hard work for our clients. We are even able to accept tax refund cases on a contingency fee basis in some instances. This means that our clients do not pay us anything upfront. We are paid a percentage of the refunds you receive from the state agency. Learn more about the refund process HERE.

Call (888) 628-0334 for your FREE tax refund consultation.

Hands-On Tobacco Tax Refund Assistance

It is important to understand the taxing scheme for your state as each state can be very different. It is advisable to have a tobacco tax professional at your side when working through the different taxing schemes in the various states. Many states often have loopholes for items like cigars which can be exploited to obtain large refunds.

As a business owner, we understand how important it is that you are able to put money back into your business quickly. This includes prompt refunds for the taxes your business overpaid for your smokeless tobacco and other tobacco products. At Tobacco Tax Refund, Inc., we focus on helping businesses all across the country file and obtain the refunds that they are entitled to receive. Whether you overpaid or a recent law has changed allowing you to receive a refund, turn to our tobacco tax consultants for assistance. We file refunds for all state tax agencies.

Contact our team today at (888) 628-0334.