Article 4. Refunds
(Article 4 Added by Stats. 1961, CH. 884.)
30176. The board shall, pursuant to regulations prescribed by it, refund or credit to a distributor the denominated values, less the discount given on their purchase of any unused stamps or meter register settings.
History.—Added by Stats. 1961, p. 2317, operative July 16, 1961
30176.1. (a) The board shall, pursuant to regulations prescribed by it, refund or credit to a distributor the tax imposed on tobacco products pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 30121) and Article 3 (commencing with Section 30131) of Chapter 2 which is paid on the distribution of tobacco products which are shipped to a point outside the state for subsequent use or sale out of the state.
(b) This section does not apply to tobacco products delivered to the consumer in this state and subsequently taken outside the state.
History.—Added by Stats. 1989, Ch. 634, in effect September 21, 1989. Stats. 2001, Ch. 251 (AB 1123), in effect January 1, 2002, added "and Article 3 (commencing with Section 30131)" after "pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 30121)" in subdivision (a)
30176.2. The board shall, pursuant to regulations prescribed by it, refund or credit to a distributor the tax imposed on tobacco products pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 30121) and Article 3 (commencing with Section 30131) of Chapter 2 that is paid on the distribution of tobacco products that were returned by a customer, when the distributor refunds the entire amount the customer paid for the tobacco products either in cash or credit. For purposes of this section, refund or credit of the entire amount shall be deemed to be given when the purchase price, less rehandling and restocking costs, is refunded or credited to the customer. The amount withheld for rehandling and restocking costs may be a percentage of the sales price determined by the average cost of rehandling and restocking returned merchandise during the previous accounting cycle.
History.— Added by Stats. 2001, Ch. 426 (SB 312), in effect October 2, 2001.
Note.—SEC. 7 of Stats. 2001, Ch. 426 (SB 312), effective October 2, 2001, states: The Legislature finds and declares that this act furthers and is consistent with the purposes expressed in Article 2 (commencing with Section 30121) of Chapter 2 of Part 13 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, as contained within the Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act of 1988 (Proposition 99 of the November 8, 1988, general election), and Article 3 (commencing with Section 30131) of Chapter 2 of Part 13 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, as contained in the California Families and Children Act of 1998 (Proposition 10 of the November 3, 1998, general election)
30177. The board shall, pursuant to regulations prescribed by it, refund or credit to a distributor the denominated values, less the discount given on their purchase, of stamps or meter impressions affixed to packages of cigarettes which have prior to distribution become unfit for use, unsalable or have been destroyed, or which after distribution have become unfit for use or unsalable and have been returned for credit or have been replaced, and the board has proof of that return or destruction.
History.—Added by Stats. 1961, p. 2318, operative July 16, 1961. Stats. 1998, Ch. 815 (AB 2075), in effect September 25, 1998, added ", and the tax … of tobacco products," after "packages of cigarettes" and substituted "that return or destruction" for "the cigarettes not being used for smoking in this State" after "has proof of". Stats. 2001, Ch. 426 (SB 312), in effect October 2, 2001, deleted ", and the tax imposed on tobacco products that has been paid on the distribution of tobacco products," after "stamps or meter impressions affixed to packages of cigarettes".
Note.—SEC. 7 of Stats. 2001, Ch. 426 (SB 312), effective October 2, 2001, states: The Legislature finds and declares that this act furthers and is consistent with the purposes expressed in Article 2 (commencing with Section 30121) of Chapter 2 of Part 13 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, as contained within the Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act of 1988 (Proposition 99 of the November 8, 1988, general election), and Article 3 (commencing with Section 30131) of Chapter 2 of Part 13 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, as contained in the California Families and Children Act of 1998 (Proposition 10 of the November 3, 1998, general election)
30177.5. (a) The board shall credit to a distributor that is entitled to the credit authorized by paragraph (1) of subdivision (j) of Section 30165.1, the denominated value, less any discounts authorized by this part, of the stamps or meter impressions purchased and affixed to those packages of cigarettes that are subject to the provisions of subdivision (j) of Section 30165.1.
(b) The board shall credit to a distributor that is entitled to a credit authorized by paragraph (1) of subdivision (j) of Section 30165.1, the amount of taxes paid by that distributor, pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 30121) and Article 3 (commencing with Section 30131), with respect to the tobacco products that are subject to the provisions of subdivision (j) of Section 30165.1.
History.—Added by Stats. 2003, Ch. 890 (AB 71), in effect January 1, 2004
30178. No refund or credit for amounts overpaid for the purchase of stamps or meter register settings shall be allowed or approved after three years from the due date for payment of the purchase for which the overpayment was made, or with respect to a determination made pursuant to this chapter, after six months from the date the determination becomes final, or after six months from the date of overpayment, whichever period expires the later, unless a claim therefor is filed with the board within such period.
History.—Added by Stats. 1961, p. 2318, operative July 16, 1961
30178.1. Any applications for a refund under Section 30176.1 based upon the exportation of tax-paid tobacco products from this state shall be filed with the board within three months after the close of the calendar month in which the tobacco products are exported.
History.—Added by Stats. 1989, Ch. 634, in effect September 21, 1989
30178.2. In lieu of the refund of the tax on tobacco products pursuant to Section 30176.1 or Section 30176.2, a distributor eligible for that refund may elect to claim a credit against taxes imposed pursuant to this part equal to the amount which would have been refunded if a claim had been made pursuant to Section 30176.1 or Section 30176.2.
History.—Added by Stats. 1989, Ch. 634, in effect September 21, 1989. Stats. 2001, Ch. 426 (SB 312), in effect October 2, 2001, added twice "or Section 30176.2" after "pursuant to Section 30176.1".
Note.—SEC. 7 of Stats. 2001, Ch. 426 (SB 312), effective October 2, 2001, states: The Legislature finds and declares that this act furthers and is consistent with the purposes expressed in Article 2 (commencing with Section 30121) of Chapter 2 of Part 13 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, as contained within the Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act of 1988 (Proposition 99 of the November 8, 1988, general election), and Article 3 (commencing with Section 30131) of Chapter 2 of Part 13 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, as contained in the California Families and Children Act of 1998 (Proposition 10 of the November 3, 1998, general election)
30178.3. Overpayments from levies or liens. Notwithstanding Section 30178, a refund of an overpayment of any tax, penalty, or interest collected by the board by means of levy, through the use of liens, or by other enforcement procedures, shall be approved if a claim for a refund is filed within three years of the date of an overpayment.
History.—Added by Stats. 2006, Ch. 364 (AB 3076), in effect January 1, 2007.
30179. Interest shall be computed, allowed, and paid upon any overpayment for the purchase of stamps or meter register settings at the modified adjusted rate per month established pursuant to Section 6591.5, from the 26th day of the calendar month following the period during which the overpayment was made. In addition, a refund or credit shall be made of any interest imposed upon the claimant with respect to the amount being refunded or credited.
The interest shall be paid as follows:
(a) In the case of a refund, to the 25th day of the calendar month following the date upon which the claimant, if he or she has not already filed a claim, is notified by the board that a claim may be filed or the date upon which the claim is approved by the board, whichever date is earlier.
(b) In the case of a credit, to the same date as that to which interest is computed on the tax or amount against which the credit is applied. History.—Added by Stats. 1961, p. 2318, operative July 16, 1961. Stats. 1975, Ch. 661, operative to interest accruing on or after January 1, 1976, substituted "1 percent" for "one-half of 1 percent." Stats. 1982, Ch. 5, First Extra Session, in effect May 27, 1982, substituted "adjusted … 19269" for "rate … month" before "from" in the first sentence. Stats. 1984, Ch. 1020, effective January 1, 1985, operative July 1, 1985, substituted "modified … month" for "adjusted annual rate," substituted "Section 6591.5" for "Section 19269." Stats. 1992, Ch. 1336, in effect January 1, 1993, substituted "from the 26th day … paid as follows:" for "from the due date for payment of the purchase for which the overpayment was made, but no refund or credit shall be made of any interest imposed upon the claimant with respect to the amount being refunded or credited. The interest shall be paid:" after "Section 6591.5" in the first paragraph; and substituted "25th" for "15th" in subdivision (a). Stats. 1996, Ch. 320, in effect January 1, 1997, deleted "or the date upon which the claim is certified to the State Board of Control, whichever date is the earlier" after "may be filed" in subdivision (a). Stats. 1997, Ch. 620 (SB 1102), in effect January 1, 1998, added ", if he or she has not already filed a claim," after "which the claimant" and added "or the date … date is earlier" after "may be filed" in subdivision (a)
30179.1. No interest shall be allowed on an overpayment of the tax on exported tobacco products which is refunded pursuant to Section 30176.1 or credited against taxes pursuant to Section 30178.2 within 90 days of the claim for the credit or refund.
History.—Added by Stats. 1989, Ch. 634, in effect September 21, 1989