Chapter 7. Requirements for Transporters
(Chapter 7 Added by Stats. 1959, CH. 1040.)
30431. Any transporter desiring to possess or acquire for transportation or transport upon the highways, roads or streets of this state more than 400 cigarettes which are not contained in packages to which are affixed California cigarette stamps or meter impressions or tobacco products with a value of twenty-five dollars ($25) or more shall obtain a permit from the board authorizing such transporter to possess or acquire for transportation or transport the cigarettes or tobacco products, and he shall have the permit in the transporting vehicle during the period of transportation of the cigarettes or tobacco products. The application for the permit shall be in such form and shall contain such information as may be prescribed by the board. The board may issue a permit for a single load or shipment or for a number of loads or shipments to be transported under specified conditions.
History.—Stats. 1967, p. 2522, operative August 1, 1967, substituted "more than 200 cigarettes" for "any cigarettes" and "in the transporting vehicle during the period of transportation of the cigarettes" for "in his possession while the cigarettes are in his possession." Stats. 1968, p. 2121, in effect November 13, 1968, substituted "400" for "200". Stats. 1989, Ch. 634, in effect September 21, 1989, added "or tobacco … ($25) or more" after "impressions" and added "or tobacco products" after "cigarettes" in first sentence
30432. Each transporter who shall transport or possess or acquire for the purpose of transporting upon the highways, roads or streets of this state more than 400 cigarettes which are not contained in packages to which are affixed California cigarette tax stamps or meter impressions or tobacco products with a value of twenty-five dollars ($25) or more is required to have in the transporting vehicle during the period of transportation invoices, bills of lading or delivery tickets covering the cigarettes or tobacco products being transported which shall show the name and address of the consignor or seller, the name and address of the consignee or purchaser and the quantity and brands of the cigarettes or tobacco products transported.
History.—Stats. 1967, p. 2522, operative August 1, 1967, substituted "more than 200" for "any" and "in the transporting vehicle during the period of transportation" for "in his actual possession," and added "delivery tickets" and the last phrase indicating what the invoices, etc., must show. Stats. 1968, p. 2121, in effect November 13, 1968, substituted "400" for "200". Stats. 1989, Ch. 634, in effect September 21, 1989, added "or tobacco … ($25) or more" after "impressions" and added "or tobacco products" after "cigarettes"