Part II Tax on Tobacco Products Other Than Cigarettes or Cigar
210.25 Definitions
210.276 Surcharge on Tobacco Products
210.30 Tax on Tobacco Products; Exemptions
210.31 Payment of Taxes by Electronic Funds Transfer
210.35 Distributor's License Required; Application; Out-of-State Applicant
210.40 License Fees; Surety Bond; Application for Each Place of Business
210.405 Initial Temporary Permits for Other Tobacco Products
210.45 Issuance, Epiration, and Display of Licenses; License not Transferable
210.50 Revocation or Suspension of License
210.51 Renewal of Permit
210.55 Distributors; Monthly Returns
210.60 Books, Records, and Invoices to be Kept and Preserved; Inspection by Agents of Division
210.65 Penalties for Tax Evasion
210.67 Refunds
210.70 Disposition of Funds
210.75 Administration