Section I General Provisions
245-1 Definitions
245-2 License
245-2.5 Retail Tobacco Permit
245-2.6 Unlawful Tobacco Retail in the First Degree
245-2.7 Unlawful Tobacco Retial in the Second Degree
245-3 Taxes
245-4 Repeals
245-5 Returns
245-6 Payment of Taxes; Penalties
245-7 Determination of Taxes;Additional Assessments, Credits, and Refunds
245-8 Records to be Kept
245-9 Inspection
245-10 Appeals
245-11 Chapter 235 and Chapter 237 Application
245-12 Investigations; Contempts; Fees
245-13 Administration by Directors; Rules and Regulations
245-14 Repealed
245-15 Disposition of Revenues
245-16 Unlawful Shipment of Cigarettes; Penalty; Reports; Liability for Unpaid Taxes