10-38. Presumption for Unlicensed Distributors or Persons.
Whenever any person obtains tobacco products from an unlicensed in-state or out-of-state distributor or person, a prima facie presumption shall arise that the tax imposed by this Act on such tobacco products has not been paid in violation of this Act. Invoices or other documents kept in the normal course of business in the possession of a person reflecting purchases of tobacco products from an unlicensed in-state or out-of-state distributor or person or invoices or other documents kept in the normal course of business obtained by the Department from in-state or out-of-state distributors or persons, are sufficient to raise the presumption that the tax imposed by this Act has not been paid. If a presumption is raised, the Department may assess tax, penalty, and interest on the tobacco products. In addition, any person who violates this Section is liable to pay to the Department, for deposit in the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund, a penalty of $1,000 for the first violation and $3,000 for any subsequent violation. The Department may adopt rules to administer the penalties under this Section.