79-3311. Stamps and Meter Imprints; Sale; Discount; Corporate Surety Bond; Tax Meter, Use and Bond; Cigarette Tax Refund Fund Established; Transportation for Out-Of-State Sale
The director shall design and designate indicia of tax payment to be affixed to each package of cigarettes as provided by this act. The director shall sell water applied stamps only to licensed wholesale dealers in the amounts of 1,000 or multiples thereof. Stamps applied by the heat process shall be sold only in amounts of 30,000 or multiples thereof, except that such stamps which are suitable for packages containing 25 cigarettes each shall be sold in amounts prescribed by the director.
Meter imprints shall be sold only in amounts of 10,000 or multiples thereof. Water applied stamps in amounts of 10,000 or multiples thereof and stamps applied by the heat process and meter imprints shall be supplied to wholesale dealers at a discount of 0.55% on and after July 1, 2015, and thereafter, from the face value thereof, and shall be deducted at the time of purchase or from the remittance therefor as hereinafter provided. Any wholesale cigarette dealer who shall file with the director a bond, of acceptable form, payable to the state of Kansas with a corporate surety authorized to do business in Kansas, shall be permitted to purchase stamps, and remit therefor to the director within 30 days after each such purchase, up to a maximum outstanding at any one time of 85% of the amount of the bond.
Failure on the part of any wholesale dealer to remit as herein specified shall be cause for forfeiture of such dealer's bond. All revenue received from the sale of such stamps or meter imprints shall be remitted to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasury.
The state treasurer shall first credit such amount as the director shall order to the cigarette tax refund fund and shall credit the remaining balance to the state general fund. A refund fund designated the cigarette tax refund fund not to exceed $10,000 at any time shall be set apart and maintained by the director from taxes collected under this act and held by the state treasurer for prompt payment of all refunds authorized by this act. Such cigarette tax refund fund shall be in such amount as the director shall determine is necessary to meet current refunding requirements under this act.
The wholesale cigarette dealer shall affix to each package of cigarettes stamps or tax meter imprints required by this act prior to the sale of cigarettes to any person, by such dealer or such dealer's agent or agents, within the state of Kansas. The director is empowered to authorize wholesale dealers to affix revenue tax meter imprints upon original packages of cigarettes and is charged with the duty of regulating the use of tax meters to secure payment of the proper taxes.
No wholesale dealer shall affix revenue tax meter imprints to original packages of cigarettes without first having obtained permission from the director to employ this method of affixation. If the director approves the wholesale dealer's application for permission to affix revenue tax meter imprints to original packages of cigarettes, the director shall require such dealer to file a suitable bond payable to the state of Kansas executed by a corporate surety authorized to do business in Kansas.
The director may, to assure the proper collection of taxes imposed by the act, revoke or suspend the privilege of imprinting tax meter imprints upon original packages of cigarettes. All meters shall be under the direct control of the director, and all transfer assignments or anything pertaining thereto must first be authorized by the director. All inks used in the stamping of cigarettes must be of a special type devised for use in connection with the machine employed and approved by the director. All repairs to the meter are strictly prohibited except by a duly authorized representative of the director. Requests for service shall be directed to the director.
Meter machine ink imprints on all packages shall be clear and legible. If a wholesale dealer continuously issues illegible cigarette tax meter imprints, it shall be considered sufficient cause for revocation of such dealer's permit to use a cigarette tax meter.
A licensed wholesale dealer may, for the purpose of sale in another state, transport cigarettes not bearing Kansas indicia of tax payment through the state of Kansas provided such cigarettes are contained in sealed and original cartons.