852. Dealers Required to Furnish Duplicate Invoices
A. After due notice by the secretary every dealer in taxable articles as set out in this Chapter purchasing or receiving any cigars, cigarettes, or smoking tobacco from without this state, whether the same shall have been ordered through a dealer or jobber within this state or by drop shipment, or otherwise, shall furnish a duplicate invoice of all such purchases, or receipts to the secretary. Failure to furnish this duplicate invoice as required shall constitute a misdemeanor and be punishable as set out in R.S. 47:859.
B. In lieu of the invoices required herein, a computer-generated record may be used by every dealer in taxable articles as set out in this Chapter, purchasing or receiving any cigars, cigarettes, or smoking tobacco from without this state, whether the same shall have been ordered through a dealer or jobber within this state or by drop shipment, or otherwise. The computer-generated record shall contain the same information as is required of the invoices.