69-31. Compensation to Dealers
Dealers subject to the provisions of this chapter shall be allowed, as compensation for their services in affixing the stamps herein required, a sum equal to eight percent (8%) of the face value of the stamps purchased by them, provided that the commission shall allow no discount on the purchase of stamps by wholesalers of an aggregate amount of less than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and by retailers of an aggregate amount of less than fifty dollars ($50.00) in any one order.
It is further provided that the commissioner may, in his discretion, either reduce the compensation allowed, or disallow any compensation for the affixing of stamps, for failure of such dealer to comply with any provisions of the law or rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner.
69-33. Segregation of Stock for Interstate Shipment
Manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers of cigars, cigarettes or smoking tobacco subject to the tax under this chapter, doing both intrastate and interstate business in such tobacco, must qualify as interstate dealers in such tobacco by applying to the commissioner for permission to engage in such business, and, upon receipt of such permission, he shall be permitted to set aside such part of his stock as may be absolutely necessary for the conduct of such interstate business, without affixing the stamps to cigarettes required by this chapter. Said interstate stock shall be kept in an entirely separate part of the building, separate and apart from intrastate stock, and the said interstate business shall be conducted by the said wholesale dealer in accordance with rules and regulations to be promulgated by the commissioner.
It is further provided that shipment of such merchandise be made only by a railroad, express company, boat line, or motor freight line certified by the Mississippi Public Service Commission as a common carrier, or by registered or insured parcel post.
It is further provided that any manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler of cigars, cigarettes or smoking tobacco, engaged in interstate commerce in such tobaccos, shall report to the commissioner on or before the fifteenth day of each month, on forms prescribed by the commissioner, all sales of cigarettes made in interstate commerce during the preceding month to which Mississippi stamps were not affixed. These reports must be made supplementary to the reports required to be filed by Section 27-69-35 of this chapter.
Each shipment must be covered by a complete copy of invoice of the consignor, and supported by properly receipted bill of lading of the transportation company, or post office department as specified in the foregoing, and the receipted bills of lading and invoices shall be subject to inspection by the commissioner for a period of three (3) years.
The commissioner is further authorized to verify the actual delivery to the consignee of such unstamped taxable cigarettes before allowing credit, and for the purpose of such verification, the commissioner may exchange information with the proper authorities of other states as to movement of taxable tobacco to and from other states into and from the State of Mississippi.
ยง 27-69-35. Records of Dealers
It shall be the duty of every person subject to the provisions of this chapter, to keep an accurate set of records, showing all transactions had with reference to the purchase, sale or gift of cigars, cigarettes, or smoking tobacco, and such person shall keep separately all invoices of cigars, cigarettes or smoking tobacco, and shall keep a record of all stamps purchased, and such records, and all stocks of cigars, cigarettes or smoking tobacco on hand, shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times to the commissioner;provided, however, that all retail dealers, transient vendors, distributing agents, or other dealers purchasing, or receiving cigars, cigarettes, or smoking tobacco from without the state, whether the same shall have been ordered through a wholesaler, or jobber in this state, or by drop shipment, or otherwise, shall within five (5) days after receipt of the same, mail a duplicate invoice of all such purchases, or receipts, to the commissioner, and failure to furnish such duplicate invoices shall be deemed a misdemeanor.
It is further provided that all manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers of cigars, cigarettes or smoking tobacco, who have a permit required by this chapter shall furnish the commissioner with a statement monthly, showing the amount of taxable tobacco received, and must also furnish the commissioner with duplicate invoices covering stamps affixed to drop shipments purchased by retailers.
In the examination of such books, records, etc., the commissioner shall have the power to administer oaths to any person, and any person answering falsely, under oath, any of such questions, shall be guilty of perjury.
If any person being so examined, fails to answer questions propounded to him by the commissioner, or if any person, being summoned to appear and answer such questions, shall fail or refuse to do so, or if any person shall fail or refuse to permit the inspection of his stock of merchandise, or invoices, or books, or papers pertaining to any dealers in cigars, cigarettes or smoking tobacco, the commissioner may make such fact known to the circuit court of the county in which such failure or refusal occurs, or judge thereof in termtime or in vacation, by petition, and such circuit court, or judge thereof, shall issue a summons for such person so refusing, returnable on a date to be fixed by said court, or said judge, and on said date, the said circuit court, or the circuit judge, shall proceed to examine into the truth of the matter set out in said petition, and if the same be found to be true, the said circuit court, or circuit judge, shall issue a writ of subpoena duces tecum ordering and directing the person so summoned to bring into court, and exhibit for the inspection of the commissioner, all such books, records, invoices, etc., as the court may deem proper from all the facts and circumstances in the case. Any person failing or refusing to present such books, records, invoices, etc., or failing or refusing to testify, shall be punished for contempt as provided by Section 9-1-17 of the Mississippi Code of 1972.