69-51. Refund for stamps shipped into another state; refund of tax paid on cigarettes in possession of wholesaler ceasing to do business in Mississippi
(1) If any wholesaler subject to the provisions of this chapter shall
sell or ship or transport any cigarettes into another state to a regular
dealer, he shall be allowed a refund of the tax paid on those cigarettes.
The refund shall be made by way of new stamps issued to him by the
commissioner upon application accompanied by sworn acknowledgment from
the purchaser, showing the units, items and date of delivery, the acknowledgment
to state that he has received such cigarettes, and that stamps of an aggregate
value, of which refund is requested, were on the cigarettes so acknowledged;
provided further, that the acknowledgment shall show that the
stamps affixed to the cigarettes, for which refund is requested, have
had the cancellation marked “void” by ink, or by imprinting.
(2) If any wholesaler subject to the provisions of this chapter shall
cease to do business in the State of Mississippi, he shall be allowed
a refund of the tax paid on cigarettes in his possession. Such refund
request shall be accompanied by a sworn acknowledgement that the wholesaler
is no longer doing business in the State of Mississippi, and the acknowledgment
must state that stamps with a value in the amount of the refund being
requested are being returned to the Department of Revenue before use.