69-67. Peace Officers to Assist in Enforcement
It is hereby made the duty of the several peace officers of the state, counties, municipalities and county districts, to assist the commissioner, and his authorized agents, deputies, and representatives, in the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter. Any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, or police officer, when called upon by the commissioner, or his agent, or representative, shall lend every assistance possible under the authority of his office, to apprehend any person suspected of violating any of the provisions of this chapter, and to discover any act of violation thereof; to take proper steps for seizure of contraband tobacco, and prosecute criminally any person found engaged in the violation of any provision of said chapter. When any penalty imposed under the provisions of this chapter shall be collected as a result of, or through the cooperation, or aid of any such peace officer, the commissioner is hereby authorized to pay such officer fifty percent (50%) of the penalty collected from such offender, as compensation for the service performed, which shall be in addition to such usual fees as such officer may be entitled to under the criminal laws of the state.