16-11-122. License Fees--Renewal
(1) Each application for a wholesaler's license or a tobacco product vendor's license must be accompanied by a fee of $50.
(2) Each application for a subjobber's license must be accompanied by a fee of $50.
(3) Each application for a retailer's license must be accompanied by a fee of $5.
(4) Each application for a license to sell either alternative nicotine products or vapor products must be accompanied by a fee of $5.
(5) The fees for the licenses in subsections (2) and (3) may be paid by credit card and may be discounted for payment processing charges paid by the department to a third party.
(6) These licenses must be renewed annually on or before the anniversary date established by rule by the board of review established in 30-16-302 and upon payment of the annual fee are effective for 1 year, without proration, and are not transferable.