482. Deposit and Disposition of Revenue
(a) All taxes, fees, interest and penalties collected or received by the commissioner under this article and article twenty-A of this chapter shall be deposited and disposed of pursuant to the provisions of section one hundred seventy-one-a of this chapter. (b)From the taxes, interest and penalties collected or received by the commissioner under sections four hundred seventy-one and four hundred seventy-one-a of this article, effective on and after March first, two thousand, forty-nine and fifty-five hundredths, and effective on and after February first, two thousand two, forty-three and seventy hundredths; and effective on and after May first, two thousand two, sixty-four and fifty-five hundredths; and effective on and after April first, two thousand three, sixty-one and twenty-two hundredths percent; and effective on and after June third, two thousand eight, seventy and sixty-three hundredths percent; and effective on and after July first, two thousand ten, seventy-six percent collected or received under those sections must be deposited to the credit of the tobacco control and insurance initiatives pool to be established and distributed by the commissioner of health in accordance with section twenty-eight hundred seven-v of the public health law.