70-5-5. Due Dates for Timely Filing of Monthly Tobacco Products Tax Reports and Paying Tax
(a) On or before the twentieth (20th) day of the calendar month immediately following the calendar month in which the tobacco products subject to taxation were first received, delivered, possessed, used or in any manner dealt with in this State, the Monthly Tobacco Products Tax Reports and payment of the tax due shall be submitted to the Oklahoma Tax Commission. If such due date is a Saturday, Sunday, holiday recognized by the executive department of this State, or a date when the Federal Reserve Banks are closed then the due date shall be the next official working day for the Oklahoma Tax Commission immediately following the Saturday, Sunday, holiday or Federal Reserve Bank closure date.
(b) Any report or payment mailed and postmarked by the United States Postal Service on or prior to the due date shall be considered to have been filed or paid on the due date. (c) All excise tax or monthly reports due and not paid or submitted to the Commission on or before the due date shall be delinquent.