70-7-10. Calculation of Probable Demand for Noncompacting Federally Recognized Indian Tribes or Nations
(a) Purpose of rule: The purpose of this rule is to provide the procedure necessary for the implementation of calculation of probable demand for Native American tax free stamps for each noncompacting tribe or nation resident in Oklahoma for cigarettes and other tobacco products, pursuant to 68 O.S. § 349.1., effective January 1, 2010.
(b) Calculation of probable demand: Probable demand shall be calculated in conformity with the requirements of 68 O.S. § 349.1.
(c) Service of preliminary calculation of probable demand upon affected noncompacting tribes and nations: Not less than seventy-five (75) calendar days prior to the first calendar day of each calendar year, the preliminary calculation of probable demand for cigarette and other tobacco products shall be served upon the governing authorities or other designated agent of each and every noncompacting tribe and nation, together with a copy of this Section. Service shall be deemed complete upon the date of placing said preliminary calculation in the first class mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the governing authorities or other designated agent of each and every noncompacting tribe or nation.
(d) Service of objections/dispute of preliminary calculation of probable demand by affected noncompacting tribes and nations: Within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of service of the preliminary calculation of probable demand, affected noncompacting tribes and nations may serve upon the Office of the General Counsel, Oklahoma Tax Commission, 120 North Robinson, Suite 2000 W, Oklahoma City, OK 73102-7801, any objections/dispute of the preliminary calculation of probable demand, together with any verifiable information in its possession regarding such probable demand, including, but not limited to, a verifiable record of previous sales to tribal members or other statistical evidence. Service shall be deemed complete upon placing of objections/dispute of the preliminary calculation of probable demand, together with supporting verifiable evidence in the first class mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the Office of the General Counsel, Oklahoma Tax Commission at the above address.
(e) Failure to file objection/dispute of preliminary calculation of probable demand. If, within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of service of the preliminary calculation of probable demand upon an affected tribe or nation, that tribe or nation has failed to file its objection/dispute to the preliminary calculation served upon it, that preliminary calculation shall become the final calculation, final and nonappealable.
(f) Final calculation of probable demand. If an affected tribe or nation timely files its objection/dispute to the preliminary calculation of probable demand for that affected tribe or nation and furnishes supporting verifiable information pursuant to (d) of this Section, said objection/dispute, together with supporting verifiable evidence shall be considered, and a final calculation of probable demand issued and served within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of service of said objection/dispute. Service shall be deemed complete upon the date of placing said preliminary calculation in the first class mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the governing authorities or other designated agent of each and every noncompacting tribe or nation.
(g) Timely filing of objections/dispute of final calculation of probable demand. If, within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of service of the final calculation of probable demand upon an affected tribe or nation, that tribe or nation has timely filed its objection/dispute to the final calculation served upon it, the matter of the final calculation of probable demand shall proceed as a protested matter, pursuant to the provisions of the OAC 710:1-5-21 through OAC 710:1-5-49.
(h) Final calculation of probable demand to be used while any timely protest and appeal of the final calculation of probable demand is pending. If an affected tribe or nation files a timely objection/dispute to the final calculation served on it, cigarettes and other tobacco products may be obtained, on a monthly basis, with entitlement based upon 1/12th of the final calculated probable demand for cigarettes and other tobacco products. Provided, however, at the option of the affected tribe or nation, it may obtain cigarettes and other tobacco products each month, based upon 1/12th of the final calculated probable demand, plus not more than an additional twenty five percent (25%) of 1/12th of the final calculated probable demand for cigarettes and other tobacco products. In the event an affected tribe or nation elects to obtain such an additional amount of untaxed cigarettes and other tobacco products, entitlement to request those additional amounts shall cease when the total of cigarettes and other tobacco products obtained in a calendar year equals the final calculation of probable demand for that calendar year.
(i) Final determinations of the final calculated probable demand appealable pursuant to 68 O.S. § 225. Final orders of the Oklahoma Tax Commission pursuant to 68 O.S. § 349.1 and this Section shall be appealable to the Oklahoma Supreme Court, as a matter of right, pursuant to 68 O.S. § 225.A.