8214-A. Failure to Furnish Information, Returning False Information or Failure To Permit Inspection
(a) Penalty.--Any taxpayer who fails to keep or make any record, return, report, inventory or statement, or keeps or makes any false or fraudulent record, return, report, inventory or statement required by this article commits a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay costs of prosecution and a fine of $500 and to imprisonment for not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court.
(b) Examination.--The department is authorized to examine the books and records, the stock of tobacco products and the premises and equipment of any taxpayer in order to verify the accuracy of the payment of the tax imposed by this article. The person subject to an examination shall give to the department or its duly authorized representative the means, facilities and opportunity for the examination. Willful refusal to cooperate with or permit an examination to the satisfaction of the department shall be sufficient grounds for the suspension or revocation of a taxpayer's license. In addition, a person who willfully refuses to cooperate with or permit an examination to the satisfaction of the department commits a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay costs of prosecution and a fine of $500 or to imprisonment for not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court.
(c) Dealer or manufacturer records.--A dealer or manufacturer shall keep and maintain for a period of four years records in the form prescribed by the department. The records shall be maintained at the location for which the license is issued.
(d) Reports.--A dealer or manufacturer shall file reports at times and in the form prescribed by the department.
(e) Manufacturer, wholesaler or dealer records.--A manufacturer, wholesaler or dealer located or doing business in this Commonwealth who sells tobacco products to a wholesale or retail license holder in this Commonwealth shall keep records showing:
(1) A list by tobacco product and by brand family of the number and kind of tobacco products sold, the amount of tax due and the amount of tax paid. For roll-your-own tobacco, the records shall include the total weight and the equivalent stick count of roll-your-own tobacco by brand family which the manufacturer, wholesaler or dealer sold, the amount of tax due and the amount of tax paid. For purposes of this paragraph, 0.09 ounces of roll-your-own tobacco shall constitute one stick.
(2)The date the tobacco products were sold.
(3) The name and license number of the dealer the tobacco products were sold to.
(4) The total weight of each of the tobacco products sold to the license holder.
(5)The place where the tobacco products were shipped.
(6)The name of the common carrier.
(f) Manufacturer, wholesaler or dealer.--A manufacturer, wholesaler or dealer shall file with the department, on or before the 20th day of each month, a report showing the information listed in subsection (e) for the previous month.
(g) Records.--Each manufacturer, wholesaler and dealer shall maintain and make available to the department and to the Office of Attorney General all invoices and documentation of sales of all tobacco products and any other information relied upon to prepare the reports required under subsection (f) for a period of five years after each report is filed with the department.