44-20-33.1. Transportation of Unstamped Cigarettes
(a) Any person who ships unstamped cigarette packages in or into this state other than to a licensed manufacturer, importer or distributor shall first file with the administrator notice of such shipment. This paragraph shall not apply to any common or contract carrier that is transporting cigarettes through this state to another location under a proper bill of lading or freight bill, which states the quantity, source, and destination of such cigarettes.
(b) Any person transporting unstamped cigarette packages into or within this state shall carry, in the vehicle used to convey the shipment, invoices or equivalent documentation of the shipment for all cigarettes in the shipment. The invoices or documentation shall show the true name and address of the consignor or seller, the true name and address of the consignee or purchaser, and the quantity by brand of the cigarettes so transported.