44-20-48. Appeal to District Court
Any person aggrieved by any decision of the tax administrator under the provisions of this chapter may appeal the decision within thirty (30) days thereafter to the sixth (6th) division of the district court. The appellant shall at the time of taking an appeal file with the court a bond of recognizance to the state, with surety to prosecute the appeal to effect and to comply with the orders and decrees of the court in the premises. These appeals are preferred cases, to be heard, unless cause appears to the contrary, in priority to other cases. The court may grant relief as may be equitable. If the court determines that the appeal was taken without probable cause, the court may tax double or triple costs, as the case demands; and, upon all those appeals, which may be denied, costs may be taxed against the appellant at the discretion of the court. In no case shall costs be taxed against the state, its officers, or agents. A party aggrieved by a final order of the court may seek review of the order in the supreme court by writ of certiorari in accordance with the procedures contained in ยง42-35-16.