47-2425 General provisions.
(a) For the purpose of enforcing this chapter, the Mayor may request
or share information with any state or local agency, federal agency, or
any agency of a state or local agency.
(b) Any person who acquires, owns, possesses, transports into, or imports into the District cigarettes or other tobacco products which are subject to this chapter shall, with respect to such cigarettes or other tobacco products, maintain and keep all records required under this chapter and District law.
(c) In addition to any other remedy provided by law, any person who suffers economic injury or commercial harm as a result of a violation of this chapter may bring an action for injunctive or other equitable relief for a violation of this chapter, actual damages, if any, sustained by reason of the violation, and, as determined by the court, interest on the damages from the date of the complaint and taxable costs. If the trier of facts finds that the violation was willful, it may increase the damages to an amount not exceeding 3 times the actual damages sustained by reason of the violation.
(d) The Mayor shall provide a copy of the Gray Market Cigarette Prohibition Act of 2000, effective April 3, 2001, ( D.C. Law 13-225 ; 48 DCR 35 ), to all District licensed wholesale and retail sellers of cigarettes. The Mayor should also provide translations of the act, in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other languages as necessary, to license applicants. These translations should be prepared in collaboration with the Office on Latino Affairs and the Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs.
(b) Any person who acquires, owns, possesses, transports into, or imports into the District cigarettes or other tobacco products which are subject to this chapter shall, with respect to such cigarettes or other tobacco products, maintain and keep all records required under this chapter and District law.
(c) In addition to any other remedy provided by law, any person who suffers economic injury or commercial harm as a result of a violation of this chapter may bring an action for injunctive or other equitable relief for a violation of this chapter, actual damages, if any, sustained by reason of the violation, and, as determined by the court, interest on the damages from the date of the complaint and taxable costs. If the trier of facts finds that the violation was willful, it may increase the damages to an amount not exceeding 3 times the actual damages sustained by reason of the violation.
(d) The Mayor shall provide a copy of the Gray Market Cigarette Prohibition Act of 2000, effective April 3, 2001, ( D.C. Law 13-225 ; 48 DCR 35 ), to all District licensed wholesale and retail sellers of cigarettes. The Mayor should also provide translations of the act, in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other languages as necessary, to license applicants. These translations should be prepared in collaboration with the Office on Latino Affairs and the Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs.